Book Review: Decorate by Holly Becker and Joanna Copestick

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Just to confirm that my 
Summer Loving link party 
will be on Wednesday 24th August.
{Come and link up ANY summer-related gorgeousness.}

Can it possibly be Monday again?
And a Book Monday at that?
I do believe it is.

This week's choice is 
by Holly Becker and Joanna Copestick,
 published by Jacqui Small.

I have to be honest that I was initially sceptical about this book.
Holly Becker is author of the huge blog Decor8,
I thought it might seem overtly American.
And while I LOVE American style as much as the next girl,
 my house is not American.

I wondered how much I would find to inspire me in this tome
{And a tome it is, at nearly 300 pages}.

But I need not have worried even a smidgen.
Inspiration positively bursts through the covers.
Back and front.

Let's take a stroll through, shall we?

Decorate starts off by helping you think through 
the kind of space you have to work with, 
and includes plenty of luscious examples of each.

It's a practical book.
Even ideas for room layouts are suggested.

Yes, there are A WHOLE LOT of gorgeous rooms 
but it has a firm backbone of sound advice 
from a plethora of respected designers.

There's a section on Setting Your Style, 
walking you through different looks 
and breaking them down so you can pinpoint exactly 
what it is that you love.

I'm including a slight caveat for this part,
 which is that the range of styles is not huge.

It draws on two main looks, 
one is firmly in the grounds of Modern Country: 
rustic with a smattering of industrial. 

And the other is what might be termed eclectic brights.

However, as I am in love with the first look, 
and rather enjoy gleaning ideas from the second, 
this does not even begin to be a problem for me.
But I thought it was worth mentioning
in case that's not your cup of tea.

The next section is Room By Room, 
which helps you expand your options 
for each space in your house.

Again, loads of ideas are included for your delight.

And then, my favourite part: Attention To Detail. 
Looking at all those small touches 
that make a biiiiiig difference.

Right at the end, 
there's a section to help you with sourcing 
(which includes an international mix of contacts).

Overall, I have to say that 
if you like the look of the photos I've included here 
then you'll L:O:V:E Decorate.

From a shy start, 
I'm completely smitten.
Buy it.


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