Rioting In London.....

Home » » Rioting In London.....
This post is dedicated to all those affected by the riots 
in London, and parts of the UK, 
as well as the police who are doing a valiant job.

I don't pretend to understand the exact causes 
but I do understand the heartbreak and fear that this 
mindless violence has caused for many innocent victims.

But look! 
This is makes me feel so proud to be British. 
This is the Keep Calm and Carry On attitude
alive and well in the 21st Century.

Spontaneously organised through Twitter and Facebook....

....communities united in the streets to clean up after the riots.

Volunteers gave their time freely to help sort through the chaos.

People coming together like this makes me want to cry with happiness. 
Like glimpsing a taste of heaven.
And all that God meant us to be.

Images via The Guardian, Reuters, The Guardian, Mail on Sunday, Lawco@1888


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