Kitchen Favourites Part Three: Cooking Revelations.....

Home » » Kitchen Favourites Part Three: Cooking Revelations.....

Need a little recap before I get going with this post about 
what's happening tomorrow?
Only, like, the best party in the whole entire world ever.

I'm calling for your 'Kitchen Favourites', my lovely. 
Everyone has a favourite spot in their kitchen, 
or a favourite item, or a favourite feature. 
Or even something that you'd love in the future.
What is it and why? 
I want to know.

Here's your mission:
blog about your Kitchen Favourites and then 
swing by and link up tomorrow
so we can all drool over them too.

Now, before Thursday's Very Exciting Linky Party, 
which will be up at 12 noon (GMT), 
I thought I'd share with you my recent discovery that has 
completely and utterly perked up my time spent cooking. 
And preparing scrummies to eat should surely be a 
kitchen favourite of sorts, should it not, my cutie pips?

I decided I was stuck in a rather deep cooking rut 
and needed a good shake up. So to whom did I turn? 
Who else but luscious Nigella?

I chose my very favourite recipe book, Nigella Bites, 
and have been putting aside a time once a week 
(or there abouts - sometimes twice, soemtimes, horrors, none) 
to cook recipes from those heavenly pages. 
{Heavenly, even when they are splodged with unknown foods.}

I've forced myself to work from the very start, page by page. 
I. AM. LOVING. IT....... 
It's completely transformed my attitude to having to churn out a meal for six each night into *gasp* one of enjoyment and anticipation.

By working systematically through, recipe by recipe, 
and not allowing myself to skip a single one, 
it's forced me to broaden my horizon's and tastes. 
I hope I shall never look back.

So thanks, Nigella, duckie. I can call you that, can't I?


And, oooooh, what to wear to the linky party tomorrow? 
Would this be a step too far? 

{I'm thinking the white'll hide any flour stains.
I always manage to pick up a flour stain or two.
At least I think they're flour stains.....}

See you tomorrow 
with your Kitchen Favourites.

What'll you be wearing?
Don't be coy, now....


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