Kitchen Favourites Link Party

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Hurrah! It's time for my 
Kitchen Favourites Linky Party!

I'm calling for your 'Kitchen Favourites'. 
Everyone has a favourite spot in their kitchen, 
or a favourite item, or a favourite feature. 
Or even something that you'd love in the future.
What is it and why? 
I want to know.

So, let me start by showing you 
how our kitchen looked before we dealt with it. 
One word: bleeeurgh.

It was a place to pass through on the way to the garden, 
or to use purely as a functional cooking space.
Then, one day, I decided I could live with it NO MORE 
and that it simply HAD TO BE TACKLED.

So tackle it we did.
This was no time for ripping out starting afresh. 
{Baby twins aren't the most careful of creatures, I've found...}
Plus there was plenty to be salvaged...
Definitely a redo, rather than an entire renovation.

But NOW? Ooooooh, I love it!
My absolute favouritest ever thing about our kitchen is that 
it's a place I want to linger in.
I love being in here just for enjoyment.

It just shows how much you can change on a smallish budget. 
It honestly feels like a different room to me now.

So how did we ring the changes?
You can see my Our Kitchen posts for more details
...or check My Home Tour at the top of this blog.

Now, what do you say? 
Do you want to stay and have a drink here 
or can I come over to yours now?
Please say yes. Please say yes...

Let's get this linky party on the road, shall we?

 Here are two things I'd love you to do:
1) Follow Modern Country Style 
if you like what you see here.

2) Link back to me in your post 
so other people can come and find the party. 

Then everyone who comes over from other blogs will be able to see a link and picture from your blog here on Modern Country Style so they can come and visit your fabulousness.

Not rules, exactly...but I'm hopeful. ;-) 
And now? 
Now, my lovely, it's YOUR turn.
{just click on the Click Here To Enter button and follow the 
instructions and give me a shout if you need a hand}


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