Kitchen Favourites Link Party a-comin' up.....

Home » » Kitchen Favourites Link Party a-comin' up.....

Good weekend, peeps?

I've been the busiest bee in the entire world 
but I was determined to blog today, 
even if I had to scratch this post out with my eyeballs.

 I've been cooking you up a tasty little button for my
Kitchen Favourites link party this Thursday. 
Here, for your visual titillation, is the very button of which I speak:

Kitchen Favourites

I'm calling for your 'Kitchen Favourites'. 
Everyone has a favourite spot in their kitchen, 
or a favourite item, or a favourite feature. 
Or even something that you'd love in the future.
What is it and why? 
I want to know.

All you need to do if you'd like to join 
in the Kitchen Favourites party on Thursday 
is to copy the html section at the base of the button 
and paste that onto your blogpost. 
Your very own fancy-shmancy linked-in button magic.
{Don't say I'm not good to you, sweet cheeks.}

Now, I've had lots of email questions about link parties 
so for those of you who don't yet know the ultimate pleasure 
of a link party, this is how it goes:

To join in with the party on Thursday, you need to write a post on your blog about your Kitchen Favourites (more on that in a mo) and add in a bit about linking up to this party so that people reading your post can boogie on by here too. Come on over to Modern Country Style when Thursday's post goes up and follow the instructions to link up your post to the linky party. 

Then everyone who comes over from other blogs will be able to see a link and picture from your blog here on Modern Country Style so they can come and visit your fabulousness.

Link Parties are a great way to promote your blog, if you have one,
and get to know lots of other gorgeous blogs.
Feel free to email me any questions you have. 
You're TOTALLY on my guest list, y'see.
I'm in! You in?
Can you tell I'm super over- excited? 

Tomorrow, I'll be kicking this off for realz.
{I've always wanted to say that...I need help}


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