Boxfile Big Reveal

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Hi lovelies,

Last time, I gave you the lowdown of the making of the
box file from Home-Made Vintage, step by step.

Are you going to make one too?
Are you? Are you?
Do I hear you shout a big fat yes?

Or do you still need convincing.....
You're a tough cookie to crack, you know that?
Let me see what I can do, chooks.

And now comes the part where you get to see
the Cabbages and Roses box file
reveal in all its beautiful glory.
If this doesn't convince you I don't know what will
.....chocolate, perchance?!

How could a box like this be used for anything
but the most glamorous purposes in life?
I deem it fit for storing uber-sophisticated somethings.

Not for this box are dull household paperwork.
Oh no, my friend. No, no, no.

I browsed through some of my bits and pieces
and decided that some of the antique French
documents I have need a new home.
Could there be a more fitting use:
French Toile with French documents?

Parfait, as they say en Francais.
{Can you believe I just rhymed in French?!}
And I happen to have such a home for them, thanks to my Cabbages and Roses French Toile-covered box file.

Is it lovely or is it lovely?

The instructions specified using decorative lining paper
so I used the beautiful paper that my Cabbages and Roses fabrics arrived wrapped in,
which was their Tulips and Roses design.

As luck would have it, I had just the right amount.

The colours tied in perfectly
with the grey-blues of the ribbon
and the raspberry of the French Toile.

All in all, another big thumbs-up from me for
Home-Made Vintage.

Oh...and guess what?
I have news.
And it's awesome.....

Are you dancing
a little happy jig right now?

All images: Mine


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