Style Britannia: Kate Middleton Part 3

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Now, where we, peeps?
Aaah, yes, you were saying you were feeling a nip in the air
....and I said I'd see what I could do.

Never let it be said that I don't attend to your every whim.
Do you hear me?
Do you? Do you?

So here we are.
Back again in the homely comfort of me and you
nattering together.
And guess what?
I have the loveliest solution to
your windchill predicament.

The mac. The coat. The jacket.

All fitted.
All Modern Country Style.

All tailored
.....think fitted tweed traditional country. 
But with awesome modern extras.


That's Modern Country Style, see?!
For Part 1 and Part 2 just click on the links...

It's those little extras that make the biggest difference.
Think classic. Think quality. Think

And these images are to show you how
Kate Middleton wears her vast array of coats.
{Not that she wears them all at once, obviously.
Michelin Man, anybody?}

I'd say she was looking pretty fly.
Wouldn't you?

Today, the weather is utterly glorious.
My idea of a perfect
English Spring afternoon.
Hazy, mellow and warm.

Tomorrow, I thought I'd share with you
how I like to wear
this whole Modern Country shebang. 
I'm extremely nervous.
So please be gentle with me. 

Images via: Unknown, Femalefirst, kyxeduldud, Squidoo, Rex, Vanity Fair, Rex,
Marie Claire, Mama Pop, unknown, unknown, Showbiz Spy, Raleys


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