Country Kitchen: Rule Number one

Home » » Country Kitchen: Rule Number one
Hey there, honey pie,

Yesterday, I showed you some of
Weren't they gorgeous?
And, now, here's the bit where I start to share
how I put the Country into our Kitchen.

My first Country Kitchen Rule is this:

If you're going to have clutter,
then make it beautiful clutter.

Not beautiful in an aesthetic way necessarily
but beautiful in meaning.

Things that make you feel good.
Things that make you smile.
Things that make you happy.

And if those things look great
too then so much the better.

When I want to bake or brown or braise {or burn!},
I want to have things around me that I love to look at.
I want any clutter to be homely.

My favourite recipe books.
Our mugs waiting to be filled with hot chocolate and whipped cream.
A glass jar that belonged to my mother.
A wool felt heart.

All these help to combine to make
our Kitchen feel like home to me and my family.

And what about rule number two.....?
Comin' up....

I'll be linking with some of my favourite parties in the sidebar.
Images: Mine


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