Will and Kate

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First up, the most important news.
I know you're dying to hear....
My Cadbury's Creme Egg challenge is a-going well.

And I have to say I'm thoroughly enjoying every
lusciously chocolatey second of it.
I'm not quite sure how I've ended up with so many of them.
They seem to be drawn to me like rather delicious magnets.
Mmmm mmmmmmm.

So far this week, we've had a little look at the lovely
Kate Middleton's Day Looks and Evening Numbers.
Modern Country Style at its royal best.
Shall we take a sneaky peek at the happy couple together?
Is ditch water dull??? I do believe it is. 
Let's press on...

Now, I know it's not for me to say
...although I'm going to say it anyway....
but I think they look genuinely loving together. Don't you?
They're all smiles and eyes at each other. I love that.

I wish them all the happiness in the world together.
It can't be easy making the decision to have
your life turned upside down but it looks to
my amateur-but-keenly-enthusiastic eye
that their relationship is a good 'un
(yes, that's a technical term..).

Ooh, stop press.

Mr Modern Country has just asked me if I'd like to
go out to lunch today with him. Yes, yes!!
I love going out on lunch dates.
So I'd better stop waffling on quick-smart
and make myself presentable.


Images via Celeb Weddings, Dream Royal Wedding, Vanity Fair,
Celebrity Royale, unknown, People, The Pooch Times


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