Modern Country Style: Kate Middleton Part 2

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Hello peeps,

I don't know about you but I just can't get enough of
Kate Middleton's Modern Country Style.

Yesterday, I showed you some of my best today I thought it might be nice to share my favourite of
Kate Middleton's smarter looks.

Kate Middleton, come on down.....

Doesn't she look lovely and pretty?


This next one is possibly my favourite dress of them all.
So beautiful and gorgeous.

Speaking of beautiful and gorgeous clothes,
I have to tell you the hilarious conversation I had with
Mr Modern Country last night.

Me: I bought a really lovely dressing gown today.
Mr MC: That sounds nice. What's it like?
Me: Well, it's silk in a sophisticated taupey colour.
Mr MC: *snorts* Huh! You're so funny. You sound like your blog.
Me: You're in trouble, sonny Jim.

I think his punishment should be to watch the WHOLE of the Royal Wedding with me. Yes, I do.
The WHOLE thing from start to finish.


Ooh, and other news just in. I'm wondering if it's a bad thing to eat half my own body weight in Cadbury's Creme Eggs. They're eggs, right? How bad can they be?

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Images: Dominic O'Neill, Faiz News, unknown, Contact Music, Rex,
Rex, Alan Davidson, MomaPop, Belfast Telegraph, Rex


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