The Best Climbing Rose In The World?

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Any Modern Country Garden has to have climbing roses. It's a given, right? So, with that decision made, I'm often asked, which is the best climbing rose to choose? 

Unless you have acres to devote to any rose that takes your fancy, a good idea is to only choose roses that perform beautifully. Look for profuse flowering over a long period, healthy, strong growth, and, of course, delicious perfume.

The climbing rose New Dawn (AGM) ticks all those boxes and more! It is reliable and healthy, with glossy, dark green foliage that lasts well into winter. New Dawn has fragrant blush pink flowers which appear freely from early summer to late autumn. Truly who could ask for more for their Modern Country Garden?

New Dawn

Last year, we planted the rose 'New Dawn' to grow up the front of our house. It's still in its baby-stages but I can't wait for it to reveal its full glory, as in the images below. Aren't they beautiful?

New Dawn Roses are soooooo beautiful/ATTRACTS: Bluebirds. A climbing Rose.

May 2013.  New Dawn roses "ginger's house"

New Dawn Rose

I want New Dawn roses to cover the tool shed out back.

If you have enough sun don't underestimate the majesty of the climbing rose. Try New Dawn for pink or John Cabot for red in abundance!

New Dawn rose on a white picket fence. Who could ask for more!?!

Throw Some Glitter In The Air

my idea of heaven

New Dawn |

Modern Country Garden perfection!

Having given all that sensible advice, I have to admit, somewhat sheepishly, that I find it hard not to resist the call to squeeze in a few more roses in our own Modern Country garden. 

Now, please 'fess up, I'm dying to know...
which is your favourite climbing rose?

Images via heirloom roses dindebat, keely spencer methany, erinartandgardens andrea vintage rose garden, marieardenpinkliving, gardendesign, crystal rose cottage, idthrowglitterintheair, housetohome awesome beautiful garden decors


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