Outdoor Prettification

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Hello there, chickadees.

I hope you had the most marvellous weekend,
luxuriating in the longer, lighter evenings.

One of my very favourite things to do in the whole world,
is to sit on the swing seat at the end of the garden, with Mr Modern Country, once we've tucked our littlies safely into their beds. We sit, holding hands, and chat about the day together with cups of tea by our sides.

No matter what kind of day I've had
and, not to gloss too much over the glamour of my everyday life,
I will let you that the know that one of my children gave another
a wonkily haphazard haircut this weekend
(oh, the joys of parenting),
this somehow puts my whole world to rights.

This picture rather perfectly captures the feel of what I hope to create in the seating area just outside our backdoor, where there's a paved space just begging to be prettified.

The hunt is on.

Image unknown


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