Belgian Style Part 3: Texture

Home » » Belgian Style Part 3: Texture

Word for today: texture.
Texture in Belgian interiors.



Well, waddayaknow?
The word TEXTURE is onomatopoeic.
I love that. Feel those sounds.


Did I just catch you mouthing it? Did I? Did I?

You know, talking to yourself is the
first out of three signs of
total addiction
Modern Country Style, don't you?

The second sign is smiling.


Now, for those of you who found the Belgian colour palette a little too drab, this post is for you.
The reason why I think a Belgian Style Interior can get away with such a limited range of colours is because it uses masses and masses of different textures to add interest, instead of bombarding you with a riot of colour.

Why don't we take one room and see the variety of texture that's used?

Ready? You have thirty seconds to
spot as many textures as you can.....
......I'll see you on the other side.

How many did you spot?

Here's my list:
the cool-to-the-touch floor tiles, the wicker chair, the wooden door, the cast iron door knob, the gleaming Venetian mirrors, the rough stone walls, the soft throw, the shine of the chrome taps, the smooth sheen of the sanitary ware, the moulded bath legs, the matte smoothness of the fabric in the corner and the steely bars of the radiator.

That's quite a quota for such a small space, isn't it?

I bet that when your eyes
looked at the picture they wanted to
flicker and fly all over the room
examining every texture.

Even though there's very little contrast in terms of colour, nevertheless the huge array of texture means that the room is a visual feast.

And, really, who doesn't love a feast?

Coming up soon, I'll take you on an
intimate tour of how I've used texture in our master bedroom to make it a romantic haven. Aaaaaaah! 

Are you looking forward to it already?

And that's the third and final sign of complete addiction to Modern Country Style. What to do now? 

Surrender is the only option.

Oh, and I'm guest-posting at my lovely friend Chris' blog Pick Up Some Creativity on Saturday. I love Chris' incredibly clear tutorials...and she's incredibly talented too. I was so proud to be asked to be part of her Sewing 101 series. See you there?

Sewing 101

Have a WONDERFUL weekend, chickadees.

Images via: Unknown, Chatta Fabulous, Unknown, Perfect Grey, Homes & Gardens, The White Company


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