Belgian Style Part 2: Muted colours

Home » » Belgian Style Part 2: Muted colours

Hello again, rabbits,

How was your weekend? Guess what? We had some fantastic weather yesterday and even went to a friend's barbecue. Yes, a real, live England. Unheard of, I tell you.

I couldn't quite believe I was there. But there I was.

We had such a fun afternoon.

What a heady excitement Friday was with interviewing Christina from Cabbages & Roses. I'd thought really hard about the questions I wanted to ask her and making the post look just right; it was amazing seeing it all come together.

High as a kite, I was. I genuinely thought I would pop.

So...........are you falling in love with Belgian Style too?

Each week, in this series (click to see more posts from the series), I'll break down one element at a time, from what I consider to be the very best of Belgian Style.

{Not literally break down, obviously.
That would be hideously messy and
the Belgians would come after me with sticks.}

And then, if it's okay with you, I'll share how I've tried to incorporate that particular look into our home.

Now, please do remember that while
Belgian Style is totally my current Style Crush,
it's not a look I'd *actually* choose for my home. 
This is about taking aspects of the look and making it work for you.

The series is all about looking at a style
you have a crush on and making it YOUR OWN.
In your house - big or small, old or new.

This week, the design element that I've picked out is.....
muted colour schemes.

Shall we delve in? Shall we? Is a fox sly?

Look at these images? Now, let me see, what about them calls out to me?

I love the relaxed sense of calm:

 the mood of languid loveliness
that this palette creates.

White, cream, grey, brown and black.
And that's it.

So restricted, and I like that.

I'm not sure I'd like *just* that in our house but I love this
selection of colours as a starting point.

Now, do you fancy seeing how I've taken this concept of a restrained palette and applied it to our renovation?

Drop by again and,
if I think you've been good,
I'll give you a peep.

{Ha! As if you'd be anything but good.......right?}

Images via: Cassan Versa, Maison Boheme, Drummonds, Belle Inspriations, The White Company, Dan Mayers Photography, Molly Frey, Anthracite, unknown, unknown, House To Home, 25 Beautiful Homes


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