My English Garden Linky Party

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Welcome to My English Garden Party!

And some ground-breaking news too. It's an exciting moment for me at Modern Country Style....I've just set up my very own Facebook page.

I'd LOVE it if you'd click on the little Like button over on the right on my sidebar. It's a special button that allows you to Like Modern Country Style without being whisked over Facebook.

It's the perfect way to have a bit more of a chat with me and each other than blogging allows. You'll be able to hear the inner workings of my brain.


Will you join in? It's just to your right? See it? Yup, that's the puppy. Now, just a little click and you're away....

There. Simple, eh?



This is my garden in about May/June, looking away from the house.

I love scent in the garden. When I walk out of our back door, I want to be embraced by the heavenly fragrances of my favourite flowers wafting towards me. In May, that comes mainly from the roses and honeysuckles that you can see here rambling their way over our fences.

The back part of the garden is jam-packed with fruit. Yup, I said JAM-packed. Ha!

We have redcurrant, white currants, black currants, gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries, plums, apples, peaches, loganberries and tayberries. All fairly easy to grow in England and all so utterly delicious. I can feel my taste buds perking up at the thought of all that plucking fresh, plump, juicy fruit.

We generally manage to eat it all but what little there is left over, gets made into jams and ice cream.

This is one of the flower beds about half way up the garden, near where we have our table and chairs. I'm on the lookout for some nicer ones this that our twins are hopefully old enough to stop wanting to push them to one side and use the paved terrace for tricycling. 

So are you ready to link up your gorgeousness of the flower/ plant/ garden variety?

Here are three things I'd love you to do.

1) Follow Modern Country Style if you're liking what you see here.
2) Like Modern Country Style on Facebook. 
3) Link back to me in your post so other people can come and share the garden love.

Not rules...but I'm hopeful. ;-)

Now, take it away.....

I'm linking to my favourite parties in my sidebar.


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