Shaker Your Thang...

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Well, this is our first formal introduction, I do believe.

Without further ado......this is me in the photo below (and before you peek, you must promise to excuse my lack of any make-up...)!

Pleased to meet you. ;-)

I know you've listened to me yabber on but finally you can put a face to the yabbering.

Much nicer to be able to see who you're chatting to, don't you think?

Oh, and these are my first photos with my new camera (eeek!), which I'm slowly getting to grips with.

And I do literally mean getting to's one heavy puppy.

So, anyways....Mr Modern Country and I decided to keep our existing units because, after narrowing down the choices of my inspiration images (remember Step 1 and Step 2?), I noticed that all my photos had Shaker style cupboard doors.

And guess what we had? Yup, Shaker style cabinet doors!

See the border all the way around the outside of each door? That'll be the Shaker style.

It's a style that just doesn't seem to date, which is exactly what I want in a kitchen.

And the sides of the cupboards are styled to look like tongue and groove.

It adds just the gentle country touch that I was after.

I love the plinths too. They finish the cupboards really nicely.

And look, look, look!

This is the cushion that I won at Tami's gorgeous blog High Street Cottage. I pretty much did a little dance when I saw that I'd won.

Okay, there wasn't a pretty much. I actually did a little dance.

On my own.

Yes, I was *that* happy to actually be a winner of a giveaway!

 Thank you so much, Tami. I think of you whenever I see it.

I'm just putting together a post about colour inspiration for the kitchen.  Come back and see....

I'll be linking to my favourite parties in the sidebar....


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