Best Soft Industrial Home in the World....Ever!

Home » » Best Soft Industrial Home in the World....Ever!

Oh. My. Good. Aunt. Nelly.

Please be warned if you have a weakness for gorgeous Modern Country Style. These may send you over the edge into...

*insert Jaws theme tune*

 Decor Oblivion.

{It's where I am now. Decor Oblivion, I mean. It's rather nice, actually. Not at all how I imagined.}

I first saw some of the images of this home featured at Mari's gorgeous blog Crea Mari Crea, which is FULL of fabulous inspiration plus she has her own beautiful Italian house.  

She's lush.

{Thank you, Mari}

When I set my hungry eyes on these images, my heart starting beating like a drum. I had to track down the rest of the house IMMEDIATELY!!

I could feel my blood coursing through my body. It at first sight.

All the rest of my plans for the day seemed to suddenly fade away into insignificance. I just want to sit and stare and soak it all up.

{Cleaning....washing.....ironing.....can't you see I'm busy ogling? Stop calling me with your irritating little squeaky voices.}

Isn't it completely heavenly?

These images encapsulate perfectly the Modern edge of Modern Country Style.

Soft industrial deliciousness. 

Softened by the country touches in this house - the scrubbed farmhouse table, the tongue and groove walls, the bunting, the material under the sink, the soft neutrals - the modern, industrial look suddenly becomes welcoming and cosy.

Just the sort of house I'd love to visit.

{Or gatecrash, to be honest, if no invitation becomes apparent. ;-) Do you fancy joining me?!}

And guess what? Our heating has been fixed. Huzzah! I nearly cried with happiness and had to restrain myself from giving the mender-man a big hug.

Honestly, I would have given him my life savings if he'd asked.

Luckily for Mr Modern Country, mender-man didn't ask.

Have a wonderful weekend, peeps.



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